Free teacher training

We provide free training online (via Skype, Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, etc.), or if you are in the UK we can come to your school (you’ll just need to pay our travel costs).

You can also schedule a chat with one of the team at any time or send us an email to contact@hands-up-education.org.

Upcoming events – in person

We are attending (and in some cases presenting at):

Upcoming webinars – online

We are running these upcoming training events for teachers who are currently using Suburani or want to find out more. Recordings of the sessions will be available on this page after the event.

Introducing Book 3
Thursday January 16th, 7:00 PM GMT

The UK edition of Book 3 will be published in 2025. Join us to learn more about transitioning students to reading authentic Latin literature with Suburani and the thematic structure of the course.

Previous online sessions

These links will take you to recordings of our sessions on our YouTube channel.

Introductions and overviews

An introduction to Suburani
Wednesday 21st July 2021
Session details

This one-hour session gives you an overview of Suburani, Books 1 and 2. We look at its aims, some of its characters, and the linguistical map. We look at the locations in which the storyline is set, and the book's approach to myth and history, as well as the topics covered in the civilization sections. The session is designed for those who want a quick introduction to the course.

An introduction to Suburani
Thursday 6th August 2020
Session details

This one-hour session gives you an overview of Suburani. We look at its aims, some of its characters, and the order in which language elements are taken. We also present the cultural topics, the locations in which the storyline is set, and the book's approach to myth and history. Finally, we take a quick look at the online edition of the course, together with the software that's available to support teaching and learning with Suburani. The session is designed for those who want a quick introduction to the course.

Book 1 pacing (NA)
Monday 9th September 2024
Session details

Exploring activities to accompany a reading course and suggestions for when to use assessments or culminating tasks.

Book 2 pacing (NA)
Monday 30th September 2024
Session details

Exploring activities to accompany a reading course and learning how to increase student engagement with longer reading passages and more complex language structure.

Book 3 pacing (NA)
Monday 16th September 2024
Session details

Transitioning students to reading authentic texts and discussing activities to implement a thematic reading course.

The storyline of Suburani: Books 1 and 2
Friday 23rd July 2021
Session details

This session will go through the storyline of Suburani, introducing the characters and explaining some of the motivation behind their narratives. It will also highlight the locations where the story is set and pick out some of the key themes.

Characters and diversity
Monday 21tst October 2024
Session details

What was Ancient Rome really like from the perspectives of citizens and non-citizens? Take a glimpse into life in the first century AD Roman empire through the eyes of the diverse characters of Suburani.

Teaching Britannia
Sunday 28th February 2021
Session details

An overview of Chapters 7-10 of Suburani. We investigate the storyline, introduce the characters we meet in Britannia, cover the language development in these chapters and dive into the civilization, history and mythology topics.

This session is suitable for anyone currently teaching or interested in teaching with Suburani.

The Digital

Vocabulary Trainer Update
Wednesday 27th November 2024
Session details

A 15-minute explanation of the updates to the vocabulary trainer, with improvements in functionality for both students and teachers.

Using the Vocabulary Trainer
Sunday 22nd September 2024
Session details

Vocabulary Trainers (How to use and how to manage): Utilizing the online trainers on the Activebook to track student progress, reinforce target vocabulary, and identify areas needing review.

Using the Verb Trainer
Thursday 14th November 2024
Session details

This session explains how the Verb Trainer works from the student and teacher perspective and encourages the use of the manual settings to create focused verb trainers that work on specific tenses or aspects of the verb. We also explain how to use the Verb Hub support pages for help with verbs.

Tech Tools and other pedagogical ideas
Monday 4th November 2024
Session details

As technology evolves, so must education. Explore effective strategies to implement technology to enhance world language instruction. Need a break from technology? There'll also be some non-tech activities, suitable for all approaches of Latin instruction!

Suburani Digital: overview and update
Sunday 15th May 2022
Session details

A full overview of the Suburani digital edition. We look at the digital support for Suburani, including the online edition (Activebooks) and the interactive resources and tracking functionality. Then we cover account management and how school, student, and individual accounts work. Finally, we discuss plans for future development and invite suggestions and feedback.

This session is suitable for teachers currently using Suburani, and for those interested in using Suburani to find out more.

Using the software of Suburani
Thursday 22nd July 2021
Session details

This session will give an overview of how school, student, and individual accounts work. Then we look at the digital support for Suburani, including the online edition (Activebooks) and the online print and digital ancillary materials. From there we move on to look at interactive resources and tracking functionality. Finally, we will look at the analyses of a student's strengths and weaknesses which the activities generate, with the aim of helping teachers provide better support for each individual student.

Digital support for Suburani, and tracking student progress
Thursday 20th August 2020
Session details

This session is appropriate for those who are interested in the digital support for Suburani.

We start with a short overview of how school, student, and individual accounts work. Then we look at the existing digital support for Suburani, including the online edition and the online print and digital ancillary materials. From there we move on to look at the vocabulary trainer, outlining the way in which it operates and the information it passes to the student and the teacher. Finally, we look ahead to the new digital activities we are developing, and the analyses of a student's strengths and weaknesses which the activities will generate, with the aim of helping teachers provide better support for each individual student.

Language teaching and the reading method

Language teaching with Suburani
Monday 26th July 2021
Session details

This session will take you through the linguistic map of Suburani Books 1 and 2 and the core vocabulary. We will also look at ways in which the ancillary materials in the book and the website can be used to consolidate learning.

Language teaching with Suburani
Tuesday 18th August 2020
Session details

This session is appropriate for those who plan to teach with Suburani in the next few years.

We first look at the linguistic map of the first two books, in order to set the context. Then we take a couple of chapters as case studies, and investigate how the language develops through each chapter. We look at how to use the images in the graphic stories to help introduce new language, how to develop that initial introduction through the subsequent stories, how to prepare for and use the language notes, and the ways in which we can use the ancillary materials in the book and the website to consolidate learning. We also explain how the vocabulary for the course has been chosen, and consider a variety of methods for helping students with their language acquisition.

Varying your approach to stories in a reading course
Thursday 13th August 2020
Session details

This session uses Suburani as its model, but is appropriate for teachers using other reading courses.

By their nature, reading courses include a very high number of stories. It's easy to fall into the habit of taking a similar approach with every story. Whether you're new to a reading course, or have been using one for many years, this session aims to provide you with a wide variety of approaches to stories. We look at how stories are written, what they aim to achieve, and how we can get the most out of them. We also think about differentiating our approach for those students who struggle and for those who want a greater challenge, and we consider ways in which we can adapt our teaching when time is limited.

Civilization and culture

Teaching Roman culture in a reading course
Tuesday 11th August 2020
Session details

This session uses Suburani as its model, but is appropriate for teachers using other reading courses.

Many reading courses are set in the ancient world not because the study of Roman civilization forms an interesting background to learning Latin, nor because it helps to 'sweeten the pill' of Latin grammar, but because the authors believe one of the aims of learning Latin is to gain an understanding of the ancient world and its peoples. In this session we explore how we can use images in the texts to develop students' knowledge of the ancient world, and how we can use stories as sources, developing skills which students can later use to interrogate original Latin texts. We also consider techniques for using the secondary and primary sources in our courses, both inside and outside the classroom.

Teacher experiences

Winter refresher
Sunday 8th December 2024
Session details

The Hands Up team and Suburani teachers from NA and UK get together for a winter refresher as they wrap up for the holidays. In the session they share useful classroom strategies, gather input from participants about the course, as well as answer questions that you may have about the course, its digital components, and other ancillary materials and support offered by Hands Up. A great opportunity to collaborate and network!

UK teachers’ experiences using Suburani
Tuesday 16th November 2021
Session details

Sana Van Dal (Trinity School, Croydon), Otti Olivero (Rooks Heath School, Harrow), and Sara Aguilar (Freman College, Hertfordshire) will join us to talk about how they use Suburani in their schools. They will discuss pacing and progress, and how the students are reacting to the course. They will also share some of the successes and challenges and their thoughts on how lessons and students' learning has changed as a result of switching to Suburani.

This talk is suitable for teachers who have just started using the course, or who are thinking about using it, in the UK.

US teachers' experiences using Suburani
Tuesday 7th September 2021
Session details

In this inspiring, fun and practical session, three US teachers share their experiences of using Suburani in the classroom over the last few years.

UK exam preparation

Preparing for GCSE Latin with Suburani
Tuesday 5th October 2021
Session details

This session focuses on how to use Suburani to prepare students for the OCR and Eduqas GCSE examinations. Suburani is designed to prepare students of all abilities for Latin GCSE. Eduqas GCSE language content is covered by the end of Chapter 26, and OCR by the end of Chapter 32. This session looks at exactly how Suburani maps to GCSE, gives practical tips on pacing for a variety of teaching times, and explains how the course can help you increase the number of students continuing to GCSE.

Preparing to teach EDUQAS Latin Literature
Wednesday 1st 2021
Session details

This session looks at preparing to teach new prescribed set text material for EDUQAS Latin Component 2: Latin Literature (Themes) exploring different classroom activities designed to engage students and prepare them for the exam.

This session is aimed at non-specialist teachers but it may also appeal to early careers teachers.

New Eduqas literature selection: Magic and Superstition
Tuesday 4th August 2020
Session details

This session is appropriate for UK teachers preparing students for Eduqas GCSE.

If you’re a non-specialist Latin teacher, or lack confidence in teaching literature, then this is the session for you. Sara takes a few extracts from the Magic and Superstition prescription and discusses the literary elements within them. She then looks at ways of engaging the students with the literature during the year, and preparing them for GCSE assessment.


Using novellas in the classroom
Sunday 17th October 2021
Session details

This session focuses on how to use Suburani to prepare students for the OCR and Eduqas GCSE examinations. Suburani is designed to prepare students of all abilities for Latin GCSE. Eduqas GCSE language content is covered by the end of Chapter 26, and OCR by the end of Chapter 32. This session looks at exactly how Suburani maps to GCSE, gives practical tips on pacing for a variety of teaching times, and explains how the course can help you increase the number of students continuing to GCSE.

Interview with Hilary Long, author of Celer
Monday 23rd November 2020
Session details

A talk with Hilary Long, who has written a Latin novella for beginner students called Celer. Following the dog from Suburani as he meets his friends on the different hills of Rome, the book is aimed at Novice level Latin students in the first few months of a Latin I class.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us at contact@hands-up-education.org.